Coping with Climate Change: The 'Right' Way?

Coping with Climate Change: The 'Right' Way?

The southern right whale, South Africa’s charismatic poster child for conservation, has been well on the road to recovery since commercial whaling finally ceased in the 1960s. Sadly, this conservation success story now hangs in the balance as they face a new and deeply concerning threat to their recovery.

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Call for global action to protect whales and dolphins from the threat of extinction

Call for global action to protect whales and dolphins from the threat of extinction

Two hundred and seventy cetacean experts worldwide have signed an open statement to global leaders calling for action to urgently address the precarious situation of many populations of whales, dolphins and porpoises (collectively known as ‘cetaceans’). Threats of extinction due to harmful human activity, such as incidental bycatch by fisheries, chemical and noise pollution, global warming and ship strikes, are faced by many species.

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